Ente Upasana, a 1984 Malayalam film directed by Bharathan which is based on novel written by Mallika Yunis. The story is about Lathika (Suhasini). She is a working single mother of a boy. Her flashback reveals that she lived with her widowed father and grandmother. She falls in love with her cousin who works in the Gulf and they are engaged. Arjunan (Mammootty), a close friend's brother on a fateful rainy day drives Lathika home in a car but the former can not control his feelings and hence rapes her. Lathika becomes pregnant. She moves to a big city to give birth to the child, and her father passes away in the shock.
Back to present, Lathika meets Arjunan, who is now her boss. She and her best friend lives together in a hostel. One day Lathika's son contracts fever and is hospitalized. He is moved from the common ward to a private room by Arjunan. Latikha rushes to the room and is taken aback to see an old woman taking care of her son who happens to be Arjunan's mother.One day by chance her ex-lover (cousin) finds out about Lathika's tribulations after he left for Gulf, and in anger he beats up Arjunan. The cousin apologizes to Lathika and asks her to attend his own wedding. Lathika returns her hometown and she finds out that her grandmother has died. She is visited by Arjunan in her hometown and finally they leave together as a family with her son.
Mammootty acted well and his character has little bit negative shade. Mammootty and Suhasini pairs were well accepted on those days. It was well accepted movie by family audiences and become big hit. Movie was houseful for many weeks and able to see huge rush of ladies to the theatres at that time.
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